Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I'm starting with the Man in the Mirror... I'm asking Him to change his ways!

As many of you know I am currently training to run the Anchorage Alaska Mayor's Midnight Marathon this June. Right now I am trying my hardest to get into shape, and I dunno maybe put on a bikini in the VERY near future. The only problem is that since I started training for the marathon I have noticed my eating habits have become very similar to a 450lb weight lifter named Lars. As much as I'd like to think running 8 miles cancels out a 3,500 calorie meal, it just doesn't! So today, I am making a commitment to myself, and anyone else who reads this blog, to say "Goodbye Lars, and Hellooo you sexy beast, YOU!"

[Insert Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror" chorus here]

It's a pretty well known fact that it is much easier to achieve your goals when you write them down. Now I'm a big fan of "lists," however, I figured I would follow in the footsteps of a good friend of mine, let's call her "Cookie," and create a blog so I can keep up with/ monitor my eating and workout habits.

Now, I'm sure you all are are on the edges of your seats wondering how I am going to get rid of Lars, so I will let you in on a little secret... Cookie and I have decide to "Get Ripped!" using Jillian Michaels' Making the Cut. Seeing that Jillian preformed what I would call miracles on The Biggest Loser, I am willing to take her advice and GET RIPPED! Now I will not actually start the Making the Cut diet until Thursday (03/27), but up until then I will be eating healthy and completing the workout routines, in addition to my marathon training of course. Thursday's post will go into detail of the foods I will be eating, and why... so stay tuned!

As of right now, I do not currently know my weight (before training for the marathon I was at 130lbs... FATTY!), but hopefully some of that poundage has come off. I will be taking my measurements tonight, and will post them tomorrow so I can accurately track my success (if I don't get embarrassed of Lars).

My Goals are as follows:
  1. Loose 10lbs
  2. Loose two inches in my waist
  3. Loose one inch in my thighs
  4. Stick to my diet 100%
  5. Stick to my workout plan 100%
In order to achieve these goals I will be using this blog to keep track of everything I eat, as well as my exercise routines. So... with one last breath... I say "Goodbye Lars, goodbye..."

1 cup of fruit (honeydew melon & red grapes)

2 pieces of sourdough toast
2 pieces of low fat swiss cheese
1 clementine
1/2 cup light sour cream & cheddar Ruffles

100 calorie pack of Jello Chocolate pudding

1 tablespoon of hummus
1 whole wheat 98% fat free tortilla
1 cup boiled mixed vegetables
1/2 cup Morningstar Chik'n Strips

60 minute outdoor run

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